March 14, 2007

As time goes by...

Monday night, Sarah couldn't do Sarah & Sammy due to a conflict, so Kara Moore from Kids With Feelings and Drag Kings stepped in. It was one of those fun shows where when the lights are pulled, you can't believe any time passed at all. Fun times indeed.

(Kara will be sitting in until the end of March and Sarah will return pending on how Ole Miss does in the improv March Madness)

Mark Sutton once said it took him about 7 or 8 years to get totally comfortable and confident on stage. I think I'm reaching that point. I honestly could show up for a gig and be fine whether I knew who I was playing with or not, whether the house was big or small or whether if I understood the form at all or not. Right now, I feel I can go and put on a solid show no matter what the circumstances and be happy with the results.

And to be honest, I'm most comfortable committing to a single-scene 20/25/30+ minute character piece than an 18 minute bitfest. I guess it's a satisfaction thing. As a performer, I love the depth and discovery of a character-driven piece more than the fast and frenetic riot of haha...although riotous haha is most definitely good for you improv soul once in a while.

Now I'm just wondering how long it will take to become comfortable as director. I've only been doing that side of things for 2 1/2 years, so I'm still evaluating everything I do; figuring out what's working, what's not and what I still need to do to become a better director. And trust, as insecure as some folks are about their improv, that's the way I feel sometimes about my directing. Maybe I'll have that all figured out in 5 1/2 years...